*4.75 stars for the audiobook and 3.75 stars for the actual book; may contain spoilers depending on your interpretation of this review*

This is book one of this series. I listened to the audiobook and the narrator did a great job of bringing the story to life. I would listen to other books that she has narrated.

At no fault of the narrator, I do think that it would’ve been easier to understand the book if the events with Cain and Angel were specified. It was sometimes hard to tell what was going on because they were in two different places but both of what was happening with them was told at the same time. It also made it seem like it was told in Angel’s view in first person and Cain’s view in third person.

This is definitely a quick read that can be read in less than a day. It was a quick enemies to lovers turned insta love, he falls first story. While it was enjoyable and their chemistry couldn’t be denied, I still didn’t really connect with either of them.

There was no history, long or brief, of anyone in this story. Nothing about Cain’s background except that he had some military experience and something to do (or did, it wasn’t specified) with the government. There was no history or explanation about who Mom and Pop were or the other members of the club except their roles.

The only history we got on Angel was that she had a traumatic experience with another motorcycle club and instead of seeking therapy, a doctor and/or going to the cops, she got a plan b pill and ran. But how far did she run before she found Cain’s club?

Cain and his club took in three underage kids they didn’t know (which I loved and thought was great). They hired Angel to teach them instead of making them go to school and causing the law to get involved, again that was very considerate. This is where it get a tad unbelievable, or hard for me to understand, where are their parents? How did they find Cain’s club? How did they get involved with the other motorcycle club? How did they get away from the other club?

While it was a good read and the bones of a great story is there, it needs a lot of beefing up. I felt like I got the middle of a story with no beginning or end. Although this wasn’t a favorite of mine, I am willing to give Marteeka Karland another shot.

I received an advanced readers/listeners copy via StoryOrigin. These thoughts and opinions are my own.