Locker Nine is a book that has stuck in my memory. Excellent prepper/survivalist book! Grace under fire is just as good! In book one, Grace is trying to make her way home after a terrorist attack in the country. Luckily her dad is a well connected man. He was an author of prepper and survivalist books. Robert (her father) had a plan in place for his daughter just in case of an emergency. He stashed away a vehicle and supplies in a storage facility near Grace’s college to help her get home. He even had a network of friends along the way to help her if help was needed. Grace finds help and friends at the farm. Book 2 picks up with Grace and her new friend Tom, a disabled veteran. They finally make it back to her home town with the help of more of her father’s connections. When they reach her home she has a new set of problems to deal with. Her family was in danger! It’s up to her, Tom, and yet another of Robert’s connections to help take back her home.

Excellent book and great narration by Kevin Pierce. I honestly couldn’t imagine anyone else doing this series! Can’t wait for book 3!