Sigh, I unfortunately find the issues with this book to be indicative of the problems I have with the paranormal romance genre in general. I find my success rate with these types of books to be about 25%. When they succeed, they succeed big for me. They’re the reasons I keep coming back, even with such a low success rate. The books I put myself through torture for are these dark twisted tales of fiery passion breaking down all barriers, and BOTH parties find themselves helpless against the onslaught despite them both knowing better. They fight desperately against taboo and temptation until neither can resist the dark desires within.

These stories are the reason you re-watch Francis Ford Copella’s version of Dracula. So you can tell sexy Gary Oldman that he should ditch Wynonna Rider, because you’d let him naw on your neck all night long. They’re that tingly sensation you would never admit some of Marilyn Manson’s videos give you in your no-no place. They’re Spike from Buffy, Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan in Star Trek, David Bowie in Labyrinth, Tom Hiddelston as Loki, and Alan Rickman as… well, everything.

This was not that story… This fell snuggly into the other camp which I like to call Teenage Fantasy Island. This book was a particularly gruesome offender in my opinion, as the main character actually ACTED like a 14 year old girl. Dreaming of a Prince Charming who will do what no man has done by finding her “plump” (book’s words), awkward self irresistible while she is apparently in her room playing with her dragon toys (book makes mention of her owning several), and has her fantasy castle posters on the walls. You know, the posters we’ve all seen either at a Comic-Con by some unnamed artist or in a boardgames shop?

I understand an instant, insatiable attraction, but Prince Charming professes his undying love for this person who acts like a dragon fan-girl at DragonCon, squealing at each new dragon thing he demonstrates for her, in less than a day. No torment in his head at all over the fact that they seem to be DIFFERENT SPECIES FROM DIFFERENT WORLDS. No, PC takes one look at his squealing, other-worldy, semi-stalker and says “Ah yes! This curvaceous, chatty, uncomfortable goddess alien whose world I shall ask no questions about will be a wonderful queen for my people!” He then proceeds to fly her around Narnia like Falcor from The Never-ending Story.

Long story short, if you’re looking for a 14 year old’s dragon fanfic… no, you know what? Even if you are looking for that, go elsewhere. There are way better ones for free on the internet. I assure you.

Now excuse me while I continue to go hunt for my diamond in the doo-doo in this steaming pile I call paranormal romance.