This masterful intelligence tale has more twists and turns than Space Mountain. Just when you think you know which bad guys our heroes are dealing with… well, you’re probably wrong. But hang on tight, because this ride is well worth the bumps, dips, loops, and WTHs.
Jon Reznick is quite an enigmatic character. He’s perhaps a bit like many of us daydream we could be. Oh, not the black ops part, but I suspect many of us wish we had his ability to tell the higher-ups they’re wrong and you’re just not going to play by their rules. He has an innate sense of the world around him that most will never have; his ability to read people and read situations is intriguing.
I found it interesting (and refreshing) that the author chose to let the readers know very early on in the story who the antagonist is– at least one of them. But of course, he’s not alone, either.
This story is a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants read. Just forget about accomplishing anything else until this literal thriller is tied up with a bow. Its unrelenting pace and shadow play will keep readers riveted to the surprising end.