“Nebula Risen” is the second entry in the Roak series by author, Jake Bible. Set in a gritty science fiction future where space travel is commonplace, Roak is one of the top intergalactic bounty hunters around. Roak is a dark, but likable character with a certain sense of honor. I wouldn’t go so far as to say he’s a good guy, that would be too simplistic for an author of Jake Bible’s talent, but Roak is definitely not a bad guy either. Thus far in the series, Roak’s cases tend to be fast paced, action packed and violent with a bit of humor sprinkled in as well. The narrator, Andrew B. Wehrlen also offers a major contribution to the audio version of the book. His vocal choices for the male, female and alien characters are perfect. He really helps the listener become immersed in the story. The bottom line is, if your taste run in the areas of well written, science fiction action stories, you should have no problem enjoying “Nebula Risen.” It’s a fun, quick read/listen.

Finally, this audio book was provided by the narrator at no cost in exchange for an honest review, courtesy of Audio Book Boom.