First I was captivated by this heart wrenching story of survival… then I was repulsed by that same story… but I couldn’t stop listening, even through my tears, shouts of moral reprehension, and then stunned silence. I didn’t read reviews until after I’d finished and wasn’t sure what I was in for. It was expert storytelling and well done narration. I’m so conflicted about assigning the stars because I don’t condone the romanticization of predatory behavior towards children, yet this fictionalized account is probably closer to the truth than we’d care to admit. It is fiction and it is done well. I agree with another reviewer’s statement about consent – children cannot, especially when their dysfunctional reality skews even the adults’ better judgment. I’m still sick over the outcome of the story, and the fact that I’m able to distance myself enough to write a review. Aunt Brenda was right all along, but made into the antagonist. It’s haunting me.