Wow, alright, so where to begin? I suppose the easiest place to take would be with what I didnt like. Not a whole lot in that category, but there were a few things that irked me just a bit. The town development took entirely too long, there were point I honestly felt I could have skipped ahead an hour or two and I would have missed absolutely nothing. I got tedious to even listen too, even when I was doing something else to keep myself busy. The next part is that even though this dude is in the game, he tries too hard to keep himself separated from it. I get why he did it, but I personal play games or read books to NOT be myself for a while. I adore getting lost in the characters and the place, but this guy seems wholly against the idea. It could have solved a lot of his problems from the start if he’d just be part of the game rather than play it.

Those are really the only two issues I had with the game and they were completely personal preferences more than anything. As for what I liked? I did still really like the strategy and town building parts a ton, they were a great addition that added a new depth to the genre and it seems like a game I would want to play myself! The world is pretty fleshed out and the lore that is involved it pretty neat. I quite enjoyed any of the interactions with the gods. The main character, though sometimes a little dense, it still quite brilliant and good at the game. There were some parts of my inner gamer just internally screaming about some choices, but overall still met each problem with a workable solution. The characters are pretty funny, interesting, smart, all of these, but most of all they were written well. Each had a bit of realism in them, in there mannerisms or speech, something that made them believable at least a little. Vick is also an amazing VI buddy and I love that there is actual progression with him, the VI doesn’t just love the MC right off the bat, in fact he kind of cant stand him which was just perfect. The fights never really felt like they overstayed their welcome, they were just enough to scratch that itch. I specifically enjoyed the fights laster in the book with some hobgoblins, just… blood pumping destruction and chaos that I could have listened to for a while.

Jeff Hays… is Jeff Hays. Do I really need to say more? If you like him, youll still like him. If you dont, then this wont change your mind, but damn does he step up his game just enough to make it a bit special.

TL;DR – The base-building can be tiresome, but it does add a new level in the genre that I enjoyed. The characters are all wonderful and are well written. There is actual progression in some aspects and that is sorely needed. The MC isn’t so dull he can’t cut jell-o.The fights are epic. Jeff Hays stepped it up. You like LitRPG, chances are you’ll enjoy this one.