I am a fan of anime and really loved Log Horizon and S.A.O. and I was hoping for a similar thing here. There is a very solid premise, being a goblin and becoming entrenched with the NPCs. There is also a good cast of distinct enemies and allies. There is a lot of details that one would expect in a LitRPG novel involving stats, build order, leveling etc. But the story rolls out rather slowly. Maybe this is the norm for LitRPG novels, but I found it was not a very exciting listen.

Some books have parts where the literal text does not transfer well to a listening audience. I think this book has this issue when conveying character statistics. Narrator – " Charisma 3, Strength 3, Endurance 4, Perception 6, Speed 5, Barter 3, Animal Instincts 2, Swimming 4, Hit points – 98, Mana – 45, mana regeneration …" I think this happened once a chapter. The info needs to be there because it is integral to the complete scope of the book. But,

If this could have been edited down for the narration to " My hit points and mana increased and I chose to apply my character point to Perception bringing it up to 6. This unlocked…" I think it could really help speed up the book. And speed is my main criticism overall.