I hoped with all my might that this book would maintain the same quality of writing and narration as the first, and I was not disappointed.

I never imagined an alien romance book would make me sit down and actually think about the restrictions a society places on its people, and how to an outside observer a people may seem enslaved to its laws and rules of etiquette. But there you have it. A deeply thought-provoking piece of literature with just the right amount of high action and interpersonal conflict, throw in a dash of heartbreakingly painful character development, and then sprinkle some steamy alien lovemaking on top.

*chef’s kiss*

And I can’t forget to give my love to the narrator. With the introduction of a slew of new characters, he still managed to give everyone their own pizzazz while staying true to our three beloved mains. Hats off once again for another job well done.