I started this series on a Monday, and finished book 6 on Saturday. I laughed, I cried, and at times was more than a bit aroused. (The sexual tension in book 2 was masterful.) This is a unique take on science fiction, and refreshingly so. The character of Ishmael Horatio Wong was most excellent, and I truly enjoyed the arc of his development. Coming of age stories always seem to be appealing to me. The author must have a penchant for stylish clothing design and fine dining. This series ranks among some favorite finds on Audible, ranking right up there with Shawn Inmon’s Middle Falls Time Travel Series, Craig Alanson’s Expeditionary Force, Olan Thorensen’s Destinies Crucible, Martha Wells Murderbot Diaries,and Donald Taylor’s Bobiverse. If you are a capitalist hating socialist, this book is not for you. I warn you that once you start this series, you will be compelled to continue to the end. I hope that there will be a book 7, because there is more story left to tell. I bought extra credits to complete this series this past week. Thank you Nathan Lowell and Jeffrey Kafer! You make a great team. Do yourself a favor, and click on the Add To Cart button now. Major G out.
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