I am not the most intelligent person, and nor am I a book critic that many care to read. But, if you stumble upon my little critique of M.L. Wang and her work, “The Sword of Kaigan”, I hope you find a genuine review. I am the father of four wonderful little girls and the husband of a near perfect human being that I have the privilege of calling my wife. Many books have walked deeply into the ether of a readers empathy, understanding, and a deeply emotional state that all of us share. Wang does this through an absolute master crafting of character development coupled with a world building that speaks for itself. It is easily my favorite book that I have encountered it 2023, and I fully intend to get a hard copy for my shelf.

The writing is set in an entirely different world that is familiar to many others in the genre. with an overarching plot that is not entirely original. While nothing truly outstanding in these two departments, it is still eerily familiar and unnerving when comparing what the current state of our world is currently experiencing. Wang presents us with the world of Duna and a story deep within the Kaiganese empire. A mixture of totalitarianism, feudal Japan, modern warfare, secrecy tactics, and all wrapped around a hurting mother. It is a story that uses all of these to highlight chauvinist behavior, the capability of all humans, and the lack of empathy amongst every character. If you are thinking that this is complicated and little overwhelming – you are right. But, Wang does it with a masterful and effortless ability.

In every story there are flaws, and there are many critiques out there that will highlight those flaws. Maybe it is the fact that I just finished the book, but I genuinely have no interest in tearing down a writers hard work. I truly believe that this story is one of such outstanding work when it comes to character development. I also believe that a story like this is will be something of the future of what the fantasy genre will be in years to come. A refreshing culture change from all the medieval tropes, characters, and plot lines. A refreshing pace that is not on a global scale, but a familial one – one that is close to the heart. A story that all of the high elements of fantasy are there in the largest and broadest ways to move the plot, but it is the heart and soul of each of the characters that make this work what it is – which is a wonderful piece of literature.

So…read it. If you are considering it, read it. Support an independent writer that deserves it for giving us something to read and love. You may not love it as much as me and that is okay, but you will not change my mind that M.L. Wang’s “The Sword of Kaigan” is one of the most endearing and wonderful works of 2023.