What a beautiful and relatable book! I was diagnosed with PCOS at 14. I have never ever read a book with someone who also had it. Even tho the book doesn’t go fully into detail on the struggle with all of the symptoms. Since it mainly focuses on weight and that is the Main struggle. For me the hardest part for get yo to a relationship was even if I did get a guy to live me for me and not care about my size. It felt wrong to let a guy fall in love with someone who might never be able to give him kids. Thankfully I meet my husband my JR year of high school. He was the hot guy all the girls wanted. Once I allowed myself to fall in love with him and he told me that we could always adopt someday. He truly saved me from myself and we have a beautiful family of 4! So no matter who you are out there or what you look like or what illness you may have. Everyone deserves love and no one is out of your league! If they think they are too good for you then it’s actually the other way around. You are too good for them! Love yourself because if you can’t live yourself how can you love anyone else?