Jackson Blackwell is not just a villain. He’s the villain who advises all other villains on how to improve their villainous ways. The problem is that on this last job he seems to have been betrayed and gotten himself stuck in an alternate dimension where his life is on the line.
This book had a great storyline. I loved that the villain was the main character. Jackson is a great antihero. The other characters in the book are a diverse group of exaggerated fantasy tropes which work nicely into the story. They’re so extreme it’s perfect. The character I liked best aside from Jackson was his assistant. She balanced him out really well.
The only fault I had with the book were that parts dragged a bit where Jackson’s monologues got out of hand. I think the author knew that at times they might be over done and tried to acknowledge it but it didn’t completely cancel out the fact that they got boring once they ran on past a certain point.
Other than that I enjoyed the audiobook a lot. The narrator did a great job with Jackson’s character. He performed those parts with an appropriately arrogant and sardonic air. The other characters were also easily distinguishable from each other.
This book was really witty, sarcastic and funny. It’s dark and refreshing. I’ll definitely be looking out for the next book in the series.

I was generously provided with a copy of this audiobook by the narrator. This is an unbiased review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.