I’m not a big Fantasy fan, but when it comes to the ability to pick on yourself, the genre you’re in, and the whole premise of most fantasy stories made this book pretty great in my opinion. In Villains Rule, Gibson was able to write a story that was entertaining and hilarious at the same time. I found myself laughing deep into the night listening to this trying to finish it.

The story itself follows a villain who is out there to help other villains be better villains (I know there are too many uses of the word villain in the last sentence).  Listening to the first chapter or two, I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into, but as I got into the story I totally fell for the pitch that Gibson was throwing. He was a great villain and becomes an… I won’t ruin the story.

Honestly, I haven’t laughed this hard at a book that wasn’t directly billed as a comedy in a long time. Gibson’s writing mixed with Kafers absolutely excellent performance made this one of the best books I’ve read this year.  The story itself was funny, tragic, and interesting from beginning to end. I didn’t see a lot of the plot twists coming and it surprised me more than I was expecting.

Overall, Villains Rule is a book I won’t likely forget for some time to come. Easily one of the top books I read in 2017 and probably one of the best fantasy books I’ve ever read since it’s not a genre that I love.

Villains Rule has a little something for everyone. Kafer’s performance really puts it over the top and makes it even more enjoyable. If you’re a fantasy fan I think you’ll enjoy the plot but you’ll also like the digs at other fantasy stories and plotlines. If you like comedy you’ll definitely chuckle and laugh throughout. If you enjoy fiction – this has lots of that too! But, seriously, this book could be enjoyed by anyone who likes a good story.

I was given a free copy of this book — this has not affected my review in any way.