I have a half-hour drive to work, so I listen to a good number of books per year. I’m always combing through the list of new releases to find anything that might be interesting. ‘Super Sales on Super Heroes’ by William D. Arand was one that sounded like it could be good enough to burn up a couple weeks of highway driving. It sat in my library for about a month before I got around to it.

Boy, I sure was wrong… It was a wonderful surprise! The book is pretty much all character development. And what a bunch of characters they are.

There isn’t much of a story, but the book doesn’t really need it. If the author writes sequels, they’ll need intriguing stories under them because we already know the characters. Luckily, the author has at least one unknown character for the next book… The Skipper.

I give the book four stacks of pancakes!