It was an entertaining and, for me, a somewhat novel novel. The plot follows characters who are defined by their use of reason, only until they don’t, at the end. That behavior reminds me of something…. from my past. I cannot recall. It’s fuzzy.

Anyway, it was kind of annoying that logical and pragmatic characters suddenly do the opposite at the conclusion, turning way away from the numerous, more interesting and consistent with science-fricking-fiction conclusions that would follow fabulously from the plot line. But, to be fair, that sounds like a me-problem. I had different expectations. Proselytize much? Saying you didn’t isn’t the same as not actually doing a thing. Come on Jeremy! Do more of your more-vague spiritualizing. You’re good at that and it’s fun to consume.

The narrators are great, seriously great. I wish they could narrate my thoughts.