I’ve listened to many post-apocalyptic audiobooks and this one is close to the top 5. The author has 3 situational stories going on at once, clearly separated by chapters, with the end game an attempt to meet up.

I did not think the character of May fit into the story. Actually, the chapter in which May was introduced was lacking in flow. The author could have presented a better situation while continuing the story.

As soon as I heard narrator Kevin Pierce, I knew the book would have prepper all in it; but I was pleasantly surprised to find the author had a good mix of preparedness hints that flowed with the story. Thank you for not boring me with step-by-step instructions.

I gave the novel a 4 based on the one section I mentioned above. I listened to the audiobook in 2 days, as it is shorter than most. I was given a free copy of this audiobook for my unbiased and truthful review.