
A sequel/ rewriting of Neverland. Elena moves to London to go to boarding school where her great-uncle is headmaster. Soon thereafter, she gets swept off to Neverland.

Additional Comments:

– the story has a fan fiction-y feel to it since it’s set in a classic tale’s setting.

– 3/5 characters-the boy-Aidan-seems perfect but something’s off. Elena seems to have nothing but boy troubles. For a strong, supposedly independent woman (17), she just comes across as emotionally needy. The pirate-Will-my favorite character-falls for her hard and fast.

– descriptions are amusing. I can’t tell u how many times their pretty eyes and strong, muscular chests were described.

– certain Very short scenes are told from multiple perspectives, which gets very annoying.

– the story has a few neat twists on the Peter Pan story.

– the cover is beautiful and the title fits.


If you enjoy the usual YA tropes and classic tale rewrites, you should check this out.

*I received a free copy of the audiobook. I have freely chosen to review it. All thoughts are my own.