Not as good as Book 1, but still a good read. Too much talk about politics for my taste, more preachy in this Book 2 as well. In chapter 19 the prayer seemed disrespectful, as if giving God commands instead of supplicating Him humbly, but that impression may have been a result of the reader. Mostly happy with the reader.

Prayer based on Psalm 3 good – and taking the 1 minute to pray even when under stress very smart. Other prayers very good.

Very interesting story line about Jack and Tina’s ordeal due to their leaving almost too late. Lots of interesting character development; nice organization of the coalition community.

Re politics, naïve to think all coalition members Good and all Federals Bad.

A lot very good in the book…living off the land with pellet gun, use of Dakota fires, need to work and be productive, reboot economy via barter, recognizing how useless money is, basing conduct on Bible guidelines.

Nice references to Noachian flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, and the Egyptian plagues.

Ending very good with hero reflecting on memorized scriptures while in prison.

I can recommend this book, although I do not agree with everything in it.