The first book was very interesting, I will admit it, and the writing was ok too. However, this story seems to have nosedived. I’m not sure where all the good reviews came from but my interest level has completely crashed. There’s so many small things the writer did wrong in this follow-up story. Why did the MC take a salary job with the company that created the game? He already said in the first book he got out from his parents so that he could not be manipulated now he’s back under a company who can manipulate him? Also there is nothing interesting about that. The author takes the MC away from a treasure hunt to a dull salary job in order to pay for his apartment rent? Before he had to look for expensive weapons armor or other useful “interesting” things in the game to pay for his rent now oh it’s covered with his dull job. Where is the tension? Where is the excitement where is the adventure? There is a lot of little things like this in this book number two that sort of ruined it for me.