Wow, I can’t believe almost the entire book is dedicated to a training arc! Where’s our favorite couple at? I seriously missed their interactions and that signature flame of love 💔.

Don’t get me wrong, the start of this book was classic TBATE quality – fantastic as always. But man, that middle part… It kind of dragged for me. The end was “Okay”.

Again, don’t get me wrong – I still think this is a solid read. I just have high expectations because I’m seriously hooked on this series, especially the characters.

I debated between giving the story a 4 or 5-star rating even with my frustration, but comparing it to Books 1, 2, and 3, which were all absolute 5-star reads for me, this one falls a tad short. So I decided on 3 as a comparison.

Something I’ve been pondering: the author’s move to weekly chapter releases on his partner websites. Could that be messing with the flow? Maybe there’s less time to review and polish everything up. Not being able to review and adjust the entire book to make it more concise is a huge handicap. I almost never write reviews like this, but when a series becomes a fave, you can’t help but be brutally honest, right?

And one last thing! What’s with the ending? All the other books had those killer cliffhangers, but this one? Even with all its 100 extra pages (compared with the previous ones), it kind of missed that usual punch.

Still a fan, just hoping for a bounce back in the next one!

Ps: Travis Narration is awesome as always! I think that he is a great reason why I developed a deep connection with the characters.