Even for a new writer this is very sloppily put together.

The world that he has created is interesting and actually pretty captivating, but the characters are under developed and he works to undermine what little character development he actually made.

The chapter titles make no sense. After a while you just tune them out and resist the urge to fast forward though them. If I had to guess, the character sheet adds up to about 20 minutes or more of the book itself, which pulls you out of the flow of the book.

The voice actors struggled to work with the lines that are written. I like Jeff Hays (He’s the reason why I picked this book), but even he couldn’t save this book from horrible dialog. Once I disengaged from the story I found myself dismantling the writer. Once you figured out the Writers style and thinking process it was very very easy to figure out where the book was going and where the plots were heading. Which is a huge problem because he keeps trying to put intrigue into the book.

I am hoping that he either does not understand his audience or is just very new to writing in general. Half way though the book he starts to dance on the line of either, under estimating the reader’s intelligence or just doesn’t care about the readers intelligence.

So in my opinion this writer didn’t write for passion, seems to have written for money. Just to get something out there and have people pay for whatever half ass garbage he put out there. A pity the world he as making was very interesting but he just seem to either lost his passion or just needs a better understanding of writing characters.