Even though he was the one in pursuit of her, she STILL managed to be the pathetic, needy, clingy, weak one

I must’ve cringed 3 dozen times in the first hour of this story. Every single thing she said and did was cringey. Literally, EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT ACTION AND WORD.

The 2* is for the H and the premise. If this had a better heroine, it’d be a 4* easy, but there is nothing that outweighed how annoying and pathetic this h was.

Most women who’ve survived domestic violence are far smarter and stronger than this nitwit.

The H deserved a much better h.

I mean, you have to make a real effort to be the pathetic needy one in a dynamic in which the other party is stalking you!!! Didn’t even know it were possible, but alas, we have this DAB. She also had to be rescued OVER and OVER. Every time this idiot stepped foot outside of her door, there she was, having to be rescued . She’s made 10x more unlikable by the hideous voice and cadence the narrator uses for her. He does excellent with the H voice, but his narration and female voice are terrible. I nearly lost my mind hearing her go on about how she has no idea what he sees in her…he’s wasted so much time with her…what could someone like him ever see in someone like her….omg he actually wants HER, and on and on. … oh yeah, and she hasn’t experienced the urge to touch herself since middle school until him, of course. GTFOH. Seriously, just GTFO.

I’m going to try another one on the series in the hopes that this garbage FMC was a fluke.