The title is called Vengeful Heart and that’s exactly what you get in this story, BUT it’s not all you get. You get both good times and the hard. Let me explain some of what I mean.

Don’t go into this book thinking it’s only Arc and Sam being all lovey dovey. Sam is in this book, and we still get sexy time with them, but this is Arc’s story as a living mate and him trying to do what he feels needs to be done to give Sam the life she deserves because he truly just loves her THAT MUCH. If you haven’t read the first two books (Silent Lucidity and Shielded Heart) highly recommend you do so before diving into this book because, first of all, it is a continuation of Arcanthus and Samantha’s story, but secondly, it gives you a much better understanding of the characters, situation, and why Arc craves vengeance. And boy does he get it! Be forewarned this book can feel heavy at times and can be a little triggering for those who have dealt with abuse and SA, but if you want to live vicariously through their story by getting to see your book boyfriend give the abuser what he deserves, this can also be a very cathartic book.

On a lighter note (yes, there are happy times and things to smile about!!), getting to see and revisit the couple that started this whole series and how much Arc being, well, *Arc* can still make a certain someone still feel murderous towards him, was so much fun. And can I just say, I ADORED this book’s epilogue! The main part of the book gave me the closure I wanted to see happen for Arc for Sam, but the epilogue gave me the scene my heart missed getting to see in Shielded Heart, but thanks to these authors genius writing, it was better than I could’ve hoped it to be. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much in an epilogue, and yet, it was so brilliantly written AND narrated.

And speaking of narration… Jamie once again knocks it out of the park! He puts so much personality and individuality into his characters that he literally brings them to life off the pages. He won me over when he first narrated Tiffany and Rob’s book called His Darkest Craving, then he blew my mind with how much he brought to life their Escaping Wonderland to the crazy wacky world it is, and it has been a pleasure and delight having him narrate this whole series. Can’t wait to hear the rest as they are released on audio! 💜