Another incredible performance by Mr. Treselyan!

The book starts with our MCs meeting at a bar where Yuri, our FMC, works as a bartender. Thargen, our MMC, is immediately drawn to her but just so happens she is as well and this is where things got interesting for me because they’re both experiencing scorching desire for each other (not even exaggerating, it is SIZZLING)!

Yuri is not shy about her attraction towards Thargen and Thargen isn’t shy about his attraction towards Yuri either, see where I’m getting at? Well, things go downhill from there and they’re both kidnapped (yes, both) by a trafficking faction/gang and taken on a ship to be sold off.

This is probably the first book in The Infinite City series that isn’t spent on Arthos but on a completely different and wild alien planet, where our MCs are trying to survive and escape not only said planet but their very violent circumstances as well. New, and quite interesting characters are introduced and old ones make an appearance as well.

Yuri is extremely easy going, brave and adapts to her circumstances quite well while Thargen, well, is Thargen! No, but seriously, he is a bit more complex than your raging vorgal/”orc”. You see, our big boy is dealing with a lot of literal damage and has a few ghosts of his own which makes him refuse to get physical with Yuri, but Yuri knows exactly how to deal with Thargen and they both learn to connect with each other on a deeper level than just physical. It’s a wonderful development!

As for Mr. Treselyan’s performance, it’s once again top-notch! Every character has a different accent, cadence; they’re distinct and actually FUN to listen to. I’ve described him as a “voice wizard” in a previous review and I stand by it! Even his female voices differ from each other, which is no easy feat.

Thargen is obviously the star of the show and I can tell he had a blast voicing him! There are grunts and war cries and purrs and it’s just so entertaining. Mr. Treselyan doesn’t hold back and it’s very refreshing to actually listen to an audiobook that is thoroughly acted out, not just read.

Even if sci-fi romance isn’t your cup of tea, his performance alone should make you give The Infinite City series a chance, because it is just THAT entertaining.

I, for one, love me some well balanced romance and kickass fights (look, violence can be fun, especially if it’s with Thargen), so I was very much into this book. 11 outta 10 for me. 😉