It’s just not good. Im bored and don’t want to listen. I don’t care about the protagonist at all and his whole motivation is just lazy. It’s like the author wants you to understand that the MC is some poor kid with nothing going for him but in the laziest way possible. The only motivation that is given to the reader as to why people dislike him is that there jet setting environmental lawyer parents don’t make as much as the other parents. That’s it full stop. This reads like wish fulfillment fantasies of some kid who wants to murder his classmates and teachers. Not in the sense that he is malicious at least not at the point that I stopped listening, but it feels like the author is going out of his way to not make him malicious. In fact he barely has any emotion or depth to him at all. Heck, I would prefer he be some psychopath. At least then there would be some sort of interesting personality to learn about. If I could get a refund I would. I have no idea why this is so highly rated.
I gave the narrator 3 stars because I don’t want to just based on my experience with this book. My dislike of the overall story has probably tinged my feelings on him and that is not a basis for a good review. Hence, middle of the road star rating.