I don’t have much to say about this book. The main character is an interesting, smart person, and the methodical research he puts into his necromancy makes it very interesting. The worldbuilding is rather cool, and the supporting cast make it come alive. The LitRPG elements are utterly amazing, as they are both realistic and interesting. We get a complete breakdown of the MC’s thoughts and decisions every time we level up and make a new choice. The prose and dialog never once broke my immersion, and I laughed out loud at several of the jokes. Thron’s voice acting is a good as ever, and while his female voices are a bit flat, his overall range makes up for it (Dove in particular).

While the MC isn’t able to carry the whole story on the force of his personality alone (like RinoZ’s other work), he doesn’t need to. The rest of the cast, the magic system, and the exploration of necromancy more than make up for a merely good protagonist. I loved every second of it, and will definitely be coming back for book 2.

I highly recommend this book.