I loved the beginning of this story, but as I kept reading it just got worse and worse. It has a great story foundation, but just has too many problems. This story could be retitled “1001 examples of Deus ex Machina” The MC can never seem to fail or make the wrong decision, characters are too black and white either being perfectly good or trying too kill the MC (even the assassin chick wants to be a “good” assassin!), character development is 0% as no one ever fails and everyone just forgives each other. Finally, I love witty banter; but this book takes it too far. Every conversation is banter. Talking to your friends? -Banter. Making battle plans? -Banter. Talking to people they’ve never met? -Banter. Meeting a god? -Banter! It’s never even new banter! I’ve heard the MC and his friend use the same tease over 100 times and they still fall for it every time! One says, “you stink” and the other confusedly sniffs himself to check. Couldn’t even finish the second book.