
Greetings, fellow denizens of HowlStrom. It is I, Kiba Snowpaw, the alpha Ice Wolf with over three decades of gaming experience, here to share my frosty thoughts on Tevagah’s LitRPG novel. As the icy winds of our world whisper tales of legends, so too do the pages of this book. But not all tales are worth the howl.

Hook and Thesis:

In the vast universe of gaming, where every pixel can lead to a new adventure, Tevagah’s “Prophecy Approved Companion #1 The Chosen One” feels like a game that’s forever stuck in the tutorial mode. It’s as if the essence of HowlStrom’s chilling magic was used to freeze the narrative in place, leaving it devoid of the warmth of a compelling story.

Basic Plot Summary:

Set in a digital realm that attempts to parody iconic RPG elements, Qube, an NPC, is destined to meet her end as a mere tutorial tool. However, a rule-defying [Player] decides to rewrite her fate, leading to a series of chaotic escapades against foes like sharktopuses and Evil Emperors. As they gather a motley crew of allies, Qube starts questioning her very existence in this digital dimension.

Praise and Critique:

The novel’s premise, where an NPC breaks free from her coded chains, is as refreshing as the first snowfall of HowlStrom. It’s a unique take on the age-old gaming trope. Yet, as the story progresses, it feels like a sled ride that’s lost its way in a blizzard. The narrative often meanders, leaving readers yearning for a map to navigate its convoluted paths. The humor, which should’ve been the torchlight in this icy tale, often fizzles out, leaving readers in the cold.


While Qube’s journey from a programmed entity to a self-aware being is intriguing, the other characters, especially the [Player], lack depth. It’s like meeting a fellow wolf who’s lost its howl. The potential for character development, especially for the side characters, is as vast as the HowlStrom tundras, but sadly, it remains largely unexplored.


The book’s structure is as unstable as thin ice. Just when you think you’ve found solid ground, it cracks, plunging you into the icy waters of confusion. The pacing is inconsistent, and the transitions between scenes are as jarring as a sudden blizzard.


For a seasoned gamer like me, the book’s impact is akin to a game that promises an epic adventure but delivers only side quests. It lacks the gripping engagement that keeps a player’s fingers glued to the controller.


When placed alongside masterpieces like “Ready Player One” or the witty tales of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, this novel feels like a low-level quest that’s not worth the XP. It lacks the immersive world-building and razor-sharp humor that define the best in the genre.


In the grand tapestry of LitRPGs, “Prophecy Approved Companion #1 The Chosen One” is a thread that fails to shine. It’s a tale that had the potential to be an epic saga but ends up feeling like a side quest that’s not worth the grind. As the alpha of HowlStrom, my advice to fellow readers is to tread carefully on this icy path, for it might not lead to the adventure you seek. In the words of our legendary gaming ancestors, this one’s a “respawn and try again.”