I don’t know how someone could make a 7 1/2 hour book have only about 1 hour of story but here we are.
Book was disappointing and a waste of a credit.
it was nothing more than every other page something about “I don’t like people. Meh, ma wife and boy are dead. I don’t like people. Ma compound. I watch too many movies. I named my firearm this after this movie. *10 mins later* This firearm I just talked about is named this because of this movie.” Rinse, lather and repeat. You can tell the author was purposely stretching this book out as far as he could because he would give toooooo much detail of certain things like one of his rifles. Everytime he mentions it, he says it’s ENTIRE full name including color, submodel and so on and so forth. Sounded like a kid in school trying to stretch out a paper and he needed another 300 words to meet the minimum amount of words for it to be completed.

The weirdest and cringiest thing though was the random segment where the author goes on for 10 minutes almost confessing his not so hidden love for the narrator. I wanted to call a time-out and ask if the author and the narrator want to have a good 10 minutes alone with each other or something.