Strike one was the main character screaming ” You’re in my land, you should speak my language”. Strike two was that the first mob lair they clear out is a Mexican restaurant crawling with mutated cockroaches. Strike three was that the boss of that lair was a 15 foot tall Latina woman covered in sores and surrounded by attack roaches screaming “AUYDA ME” (HELP ME), not because she was an evil lair boss, but because she was a regular human the book’s AI put there and made that way. How does the “hero” try to kill this woman? Jabba-the-hutt-ing her with a dog leash. DNF’d hard.

Also, the performer does well enough, but sounds 65 when he is supposed to be reading as a 27 year old.

Call me a snowflake if you want, but you can do better than this teenage red bull fueled day dream.