So, the characters and the systems are fine but my issue with this series after going back and forth and reading four books is that everything feels like he is being puppeted at all times into doing things and narrowly getting away with it all by higher beings. Every decision he makes is something that is seen through and overwhelmed with someone far more powerful but then he has clues and hints force fed to him and then this weird trait leads him to in the bottom of the 9th inning pull out some bull plan that overwhelms.

The main character is constantly put in situations he has absolutely no business being in and then he turns the table at the last second. Its a frustrating series for me because it feels like it just doesn’t matter because he goes up against things that should be 3x or more powerful than him using situations where they know exactly where he will be and do and then he somehow turns the table. I know this sort of thing happens a lot in litRPG but it was to a degree that I found it very dissatisfying.

This isn’t to say that nobody will enjoy this there is a lot of interesting things I just like a little more chill and feel the world out rather than a constant assassination chase that this series feels to have.