Book 1 got me hooked but this book made me want to drop it.
The MC is such a stupid hypocrite that he makes the dumbest decisions that he would berate his harem for making. Like I really don’t understand how he could be such a r***rd.
Yes go study the cannibalistic tribe that sacrifices people, I’m sure nothing would go wrong. Yes that mural with drawings you memorized, I’m sure it has nothing to do with your current situation.
“ooh primitive tribe is amazing, want to study. what how could they do such things, these primitive people that worship a volcano, why would they do such things”
Freaking idiot I swear. And the fact that he hasn’t realized one of them is pregnant is beyond dense. What he thinks all the girls have their tunes tied?
I’m going to give book 3 a chance with a hope he stops being an imbecile, but if not I’m dropping this.