I am surprised how much I enjoyed this book. The protagonist, Wes, is a good character. Raider, Wes’s dog is an even better character. I enjoyed hearing about their life with Grandma and Grandpa on the farm. Even the chickens are entertaining. The family is better equipped than most to survive the solar storm which has knocked out the electric grid across the country Wes and his family are the good guys. Bad actors are taking advantage of the situation to take from others and harm them. I am anxious to listen to the next book. Kevin Pierce is a wonderful narrator. I find his voice and cadence to be enticing and soothing.

The major con about this series is that the story is divided into five SHORT segments, when it should be two books at the most. I feel that I am being swindled in order that someone (the author or publisher?) can make more money. Since this story is so good, I will let them take advantage of me this one time, but I will not start another series by this author. Pigs get fat, hogs get eaten