You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, it’s one of the best spent credits you’ll ever kiss goodbye…

The complete SHTF series all rolled up into one volume?! SHTF is a solid, zombie-free, tale of the struggle to survive that unfolds immediately after the EOW event. This isn’t the Barbie apocalypse, and theres no frosting layered on top of the SHTF sammitch to make it easier swallow. LLAkers spins up a story that is brutal and hard, like an apocalyptic world will be regardless of how many diversity and inclusion offices exist when the sh!t does hit the fan. And with the same hand she weaves a storyline filled with men, women, children and dogs, everyone strapped and with a round in the chamber, keeping hope alive and digging deep to overcome the hardships of the lawless, desperate world that they live in. It gets ugly. But there are characters youll become invested in, love and root for, laugh with and feel the hurt of their losses. It’s a great ride narrated by Kevin Pierce (nuff said!) and LLAkers wraps it all up, but definitely leaves openings for follow on stories, which I hope she has plans to write. I highly recommend SHTF for all fans of the Post Apoc genre to snatch it up while this omnibus is available.