Before my review I would like to say- I really did NOT care for the method and manner Book 1 ends and this makes me hesitant to pick up book 2.

Now with that unpleasantness out of the way; Marcus- a former Army Officer- turned prepper out of more a less common sense as he wasn’t sure what was going The home that he needed to protect against anyone or anything. The home and family planned well — except for the "black swan". Since I do not like spoiler reviews I will not go into details save to say the book makes sense, is generally interesting and worth a read for entertainment value as well as perhaps making one consider –WHAT IF and what would I do THEN.

The main character, Battle, is the quintessential ENFJ Personality –“A Protagonist”) in other words "Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone" but he justifies his actions which under normally civilized lens might turn people against him– but you one most try looks at his personality from his current lens.

Decent story. As I said not fond of the ending it seems to stop RIGHT in the middle of the story.