I enjoyed reading the book, but this is difficult to read. There are some parts that can be disturbing, especially when it comes to sexual matters.

I did have one issue with it. The way atheists were portrayed as evil, Marxist, and wicked people was unfair. Just because some atheists support communism, it does not mean that all atheists share the same beliefs.

As an atheist and a supporter of laissez-faire capitalism, I believe that most atheists simply do not find it reasonable to believe in a higher power. We believe in taking responsibility for our own lives and finding strength within ourselves. Despite his Marxist leanings, I agree with John Lennon when he said: “I don’t believe in Beatles. I just believe in me”.

I think it is important for people to be reasonable, have common sense, and respect others. Being reasonable means having common sense, evaluating what is right, and respecting yourself and others. As Frédéric Bastiat mentions in his book “The Law”, one must respect other people’s “rights to protect his person, his liberty, and his property”.

Atheism did not start with Marx or communism; people have been questioning the existence of gods for centuries.

The author is clearly a devoted catholic. However, at some points, he appears to be intolerant of anyone with different views on religion. In fact, this book ends with a call for people to become missionaries. Therefore, I call for people to be more reasonable and trust themselves while always respecting other people’s rights to protect their persons, their liberties, their properties… and have common sense.

Aside from this issue, I was amazed by the level of detail, especially regarding past events and hearings in Congress. I really liked how the author reminded us of recent political events and how they are connected to the Marxist ideology (plan).

I definitely recommend this book to those who want deeper knowledge of the principles of socialism/communism/Marxism and how they are everywhere in today’s society. We must be cautious and protect future generations from having their minds manipulated by the media, social networks, Hollywood, and school systems.