First, I was pleasantly surprised when I heard Kevin Pierce’s voice as narrator. I didn’t check to see who the narrator for this particular book was prior to selecting it. I first heard Kevin’s narration while enjoying The Borrowed World series by Franklin Horton(another very enjoyable series) and found it particularly fitting for that read. It is just as fitting and enjoyable here.

Second, Akers has a very enjoyable writing style that flows nicely. It is very relatable with a solid conversational quality. She provides some great comedic elements woven into the serious narrative that will bring a smile. Her premise of a possible cyber attack sending America into a tailspin is highly plausible and, unfortunately, probable. As you read, you will find yourself well engaged with the cast of characters and their various situations and maddened by their slip-ups as their face a world turned on its head. It will also make you think as the reader on how you might avoid similar mistakes if placed in a like situation, or even how you could avoid ever falling victim at all.

Akers does a great job of tuning the story’s setting to the present day and political environment. In that, it is especially timely. She also includes some very relevant emergency preparedness tips throughout, some that I had not heard or read about previously such as how to make a tap to get water from a birch, sycamore, or similar tree.

All in all, this is a great addition to the preparedness genre! It goes fast at just over 6 hrs read time and will leave you ready to immediately jump into the next part. Enjoy!