Plain and simple. Byrn Greenwood speaks openly about her “passionate love affair” with a “much older man” when she was 13 and adamantly defends it, saying she was capable of consent. The relationship between Wavy and Kellenhas sexual undertones almost immediately after they first meet, when she is EIGHT years old and he is a 24 year old man. I googled whether the relationship remains plutonic and found out it turns sexual when she is in middle school! She js 13 and he is 29! And long before that he’s desiring her sexually. The author and many readers seem to think that a gray area can exist where pedophilia is not child abuse. Apparently the ending is not like Lolita where the predator and groomer experiences a reckoning and remorse. Kellen seems to be charming the author until the very end! How anyone can see him as anything but a pedophile is beyond me. How people can recognize he’s a pedophile and still defend him is beyond me. The point of view of this author is tragic and dangerous. She needs help.