How do you write a review for something that is so remarkably unremarkable?

I liked it ok. It’s kinda insta-love, which is always hard to take seriously, but some people really like it. This is fiction, after all.

The narrators did fine. Neither was great with the accents. Both struggled with consistency. But the plot and pacing and conveying the emotions, the important stuff in my opinion, was solid from them both.

I don’t have anything bad to say about this audiobook.
I also don’t have anything to rave about.

I liked the Russian immigrant angle. Different languages, different cultures. The hopefulness of coming to America for opportunities and dreams not possible in Russia. Taking that giant leap of faith and trusting somehow this new life in a new land would work out.
Also the irony of the young Russian confident in his skin in a foreign land and the older American burdened by fear and expectations in the place he grew up.

As I write this I am realizing I liked the themes of taking chances and going after what you really want better than the actual story.

I also notice this was a 2017 title. The genre and recording quality have both come a long way in a short time. Judging this story in context of it’s time makes me feel a bit more generous toward it.

I guess *I write a review for something remarkably unremarkable by rambling on quite a bit.

My bottom line, it was a decent enough way to pass a few hours. It didn’t knock my socks off or tug at my heartstrings. I probably won’t listen again.