Although the story has some compelling features, it is difficult to get past the mediocrity of the writing. I could not find an original, interesting sentence. She uses worn out cliches and the book’s “mysteries” were clearly foretold in the first two chapters.
I am not usually a reader of Christian literature but like to keep an open mind to any kind of fiction but this book was written simply to preach. The actual story seems secondary to that. It isn’t just that religion is mentioned frequently (it is), but that the reader is bludgeoned with it continuously.
The character development is poor. Characters that you get to know make incomprehensible choices just to further the storyline. Some of them are so unlikely as to be ridiculous.
I understand that many people who believe the doctrine behind the book may enjoy that aspect and understand. But if you aren’t Christian or if you like well-written books, give this one a pass. The only reason I didn’t return it to Audible is because it was free.