I’m fine with stories without substance as long as they’re engaging and fun to listen to or bring something new to litRPG. To be fair, the premise of the story was unique and interesting, just not interesting in the way that carries an otherwise standard litRPG story for the rest of the book. It’s like a good one-liner that somebody tells as an epic poem. It would have been great as a 30 minute short story in a collection of litRPG. Or if some of the elements of the MC being a crab were used in a more creative way. Like the fact that it’s a crab that eats mostly crab meat all the way through the book. I think there may have been one line about taking a pause because cannibalism, but after that it’s just “crab’s hungry, he takes some crab meat out and eats it”. No tortuous self reflection, no uncomfortable silences from the others when they realize what he’s eating…just food.