First off, wow. The quality and effects of the performance are amazing! I got all the way on board with this story, and it’s no exaggeration to say that the performance of Jeff Hays played the biggest role. it’s simply amazing how much life he brings to the story with a little extra editing and effects in the reading.

The story is very engaging, and has quite a few laughs mixed in. In particular I like that pretty much everyone has some inkling of potential character development and drive, even the monsters. It gives me a reason to think that I might see even some particular monster characters appear again later in the story that we’re only given a short time to interact with the protagonist in passing, and even looking forward to how the character’s perspective of them may have shifted between the meetings. There are some points where I feel a bit confused at some character behavior, but it’s not at a point where I feel dissonance from the story progression at all when listening. Definitely going to keep listening to this series to see how things develop!