Dull and heavily relies on heteronormative tropes. I mean, unrelentingly. We’re essentially told that Lukas and John are meant to be because Lukas likes Girl Work and John likes Man Work. Naturally, the perfect balance! 🙄 Ugh, it’s hard to listen to at points, especially toward the end. However, there are bright spots. John, the older man, is comfortable with his newly discovered queerness and extremely playful and confident. It’s so refreshing and nice to see. As for his dirty talk? Straight out of 80’s pizza delivery porn. Wrecks the mood, but, hey, at least he’s having fun. Lukas, the younger man, is just sort of there and the most notable thing we’re shown about his character is that he slept with & dated a lot of older men to cope with his attraction to John. Bit of an obsession. ☠️