His books in the infinite series timeline continue to capture my attention. Honestly, they don’t usually wow me, and the climaxes aren’t always significantly more engaging than the rest of the book. That, though, says more about his writing style and the content within, as it would be tough for the climax of his stories to Be significantly more engaging. His stories are extremely entertaining! And so far, throughout the six books of his I’ve been through, they’ve all captured my attention from chapter 1, and maintained it throughout. Always wanting to keep listening. Many of his stories are also thought provoking, which may be a large reason why I enjoy his books so much. Very well done! Also, the performance by RC Bray is fantastic! By Jeffrey is mostly great, though at times I feel a sarcastic tonality and other times feel he’s holding back. Usually doesn’t affect the storytelling much though, but also doesn’t improve it in moments like the performance from Bray.