I saw all the 5 stars and was very excited to listen.
Early in my listening days I probably would have given it another star. I guess it is because I have listened to some really great books over the years.
I liked the general premise. Didn’t like the main character. And since the heart of the book was about him, it really hurt the experience. He kept trying to say he was charming. But he wasn’t at all. If he was then the arrogance, self absorbed,, dismissive, no leadership skills, etc may have been easier to overlook.
At the end of book 1 I was glad it was over. Then realize I got the boxed set. I very rarely stop a book. So I kept listening. By the end I didn’t hate the main character any more but I still didn’t particularly like him.
I did like all the other characters though.
And I hope I never have to hear the phrases explosive exhale/inhale ever again.
Would I return it no. Would I listen to it again absolutely not.