Any additional comments?
If you’ve never been in the military and don’t know anybody that served in combat you can read this book and probably enjoy it.
This is a live action dungeons and dragons adventure. It’s actually handled very well and as… Logically… As could be expected for such.
Actually that part of it is handled quite well. What kept kicking me out of the narrative is the author’s insistence on having the lead characters argue about who has worse PTSD and why. His knowledge of combat and veterans in general is beyond asinine i this despite stating he is an army veteran. He has a bad habit of repeating what has already been said from another character’s point of view with absolutely nothing new being added. Even when I skip ahead pages at a time – which I had to be repeatedly, I still frequently ran into this issue just droning on.
Extremely annoying.
I was actually a slush pile reader for a few years, and can say without a doubt that this could have been a truly enjoyable book had anybody bothered to actually edited for content. It smacks strongly of vanity press.
Although the author has talent the detractors were just too strong. One star.