I loved this book! It was such a beautiful story! Great world building and wonderful characters. I fell in love with Dean right from the start. He’s beautiful, and his magnetism draws all kinds of people in. On top of that, he has a kind, cheerful personality. He’s good at reading people and cares about those around him. Dean is also dyslexic and grew up being told he was stupid because he had trouble in school and with reading- both by family and the school system. He was failed by them. But he is attractive and knows it, working as a model because he believes his good looks are all he has to offer (this broke my heart so much!). Jonas owns a modeling agency and is rich, but a workaholic. He is strongly attracted to Dean but believes someone as beautiful as him would never really be interested in him. Dean is attracted to Jonas, but believes himself too stupid compared to the intelligent people Jonas has been involved with. These two were so perfect together! Their personalities complemented each other and I loved seeing their relationship grow.

I listened to this on audiobook narrated by Joel Leslie, who did a fantastic job! His different accents are perfect, as well as voicing different characters- both male and female. I could easily distinguish between the characters by their tone of voice. You can really hear them come through. This was the first book I’ve listened to by this narrator, and I’ve only read one other book by this author. I need more of both!

Overall: 5 stars

Performance: 5 stars

Story: 5 stars