I can see why this story appealed to so many readers. It’s MCs are really well developed and very complex. Neither is “perfect” – far from it! – and the issues involved in this story are hard and (I think) realistically managed.

It’s not an easy story to read/listen to by any stretch of the imagination and I think you definitely have to be in the mood for maudlin/angst for this to appeal.

I thought the emotions were well portrayed and the decisions and inner dialogs handled very well. There was some intense passion as well as pain.

I was glad I’d listened to this because Joel Leslie is able to differentiate the different “types” of British accents so well and the fact that Theo is from Manchester is reflected in his voice. Joel is also amazing at handling all the deep emotions and is capable of brining the listener to tears – right along with the characters.

In general, I’m not a huge “angst” fan – but I did find this to be an engaging story and full of depth and emotion.

I’d recommend the audiobook over reading (IMHO) and I’d recommend it to fans of angst, hurt/comfort, books about growth and pain.

4 of 5 stars