This is what happens when Rowan Wilder is given a life changing chance ta’ do a do-over. And boy is he ready to jump on that chance and take every advantage he can grab to eke out a better life for not only himself but for the community in general and the friends he makes. And I was immediately sucked into the narrative. I loved Rowen. Unfortunately bk2 hasn’t released yet!
I think that this makes the third book I’ve read where getting stronger is a matter of chance and of course stacking your deck of cards properly. At the beginning of story Rowan only has 8 cards to his name but with the absolute memory of his previous life he takes full advantage of that knowledge and starts building his card deck. And with a team of three they’re ready to start the climb.
Soundbooth Theater Productions with Jeff Hays and I believe Anne Ellicott do a pitch perfect performance!